
3 Benefits of Digital Marketing

digital marketing central florida

Search Engines

Digital marketing helps ensure your small business shows up in local search results. You don’t have to hire an in-house data guru to crack the Google algorithm. Google wants people to see relevant local results when they Google “Leesburg coffee shops” or “Movie theatre Mount Dora”. After all, search engine results are the new Yellow Pages. To start showing up in search results however, you need to establish an online present. You must lay the groundwork to be seen.

Showing up in the search results makes it easy for users to find your small business in their quest for answers, and hopefully, YOUR solution. They can browse your special offers, call for more info and even follow you on Social Media.

Share Your Expertise

Digital marketing is not just about ads and liking a post. You need unique things to share as an expert in your field. Digital marketing provides you with the right platform to do so and showcase your business’ knowledge. Some examples of things you can market include:

  • A newsletter
  • A blog
  • A video blog (vlog)
  • An IGTV channel
  • Facebook Live seminars or chats
  • TikTok videos

Whether your more comfortable with words or video, there are many channels that can be a great way to start promoting and give strength to your brand without directly advertising. Consumers may even be more likely to make a purchase when they are not specifically asked to buy something. Other ideas for quality content include:

  • Interviews with experts or local business leads
  • News related to your industry
  • FAQs about your services or products
  • Free advice related to customer questions

Local Visibility on Social Media

Search engines aren’t the only place to connect with other local businesses. In fact, you may get recommendations from social platforms such as:

  • Instagram: 68% of users interact with brands on this platform. This is an ideal market to target Millenials.
  • Facebook: Their advertising tool allows you to target ads to specific ZIP codes and even age ranges.
  • YouTube: Looking to target Gen Z? They are likely to be found here as well as SnapChat. YouTube makes it easy to create local ads, but you can even create your own channel on YouTube.

Use your accounts on social media to follow and communicate with other local business owners like yourself. As a small business, the goal is to uplift and promote others for the health of your local community. Connecting with them can allow you all to cross-promote content, interact with each other’s posts and find ways to keep local business in the communities watchful eye.

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