
Google to Label non-HTTPS sites ‘not secure’

Enable HTTPS for Google Chrome

Google recently announced that the Chrome browser will soon start flagging every site not using HTTPS encryption as “not secure.” Google has said that beginning in July of this year with the release of Chrome 68, the browser will begin to mark sites as part of its move toward a more secure web by strongly advocating that sites adopt HTTPS encryption, according to a February 2018 press release.

Failure to move towards a HTTPS (SSL) site may significantly impact your rankings, traffic and visitor trust. All HTTP sites will be labeled insecure whether or not it include input fields. HTTPS encryption has seen great progress last year with 81 of the top 100 sites on the web using HTTPS by default, according to the release.

What to do if your site is not secure HTTPS

We recommend you start by looking at the support documentation that your by asking your hosting provider to find out how to set up SSL on your account. Most hosting providers can provide a SSL Certificate for your website for as little as $49.99 a year.

If you have already set up a SSL Certificate on your site, congratulations! You are all set and ready for the new change in Chrome 56 coming later in 2018.

Take Action

If you are interested in obtaining an SSL certificate for your website please contact us, Cyber Bytes has them available to purchase for $50 per year.


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