
Green Business Makes a Better Business

Green Business Makes a Better Business

Going green takes keen attention to details, and we have tips to get you started here. When you’re first starting out as an entrepreneur, you can take one of two paths. The first is a traditional business that gives little to no thought about the environment. The second is the “green” path, which puts you in a position to be a good steward to your community and your world. It’s not always easy, but incorporating environmentally-friendly ideas into your business and/or its operations gives you an edge and shows potential customers that you run a company that cares.

What Is A Green Business?

When most people think of a green business, they think one of two things: a business that sells environmentally-friendly products or a company that prioritizes eco-sustainability in its operation. Usually, the truest green businesses are those that are a combination of both.

As a sustainable business, your first task is to reduce your carbon footprint, which is the negative effect that your activities have on the earth. You must be ready to commit to using renewable resources, eliminating waste, or offsetting your impact in other ways. During the startup phase, you may spend extra money on infrastructure that allows you to operate efficiently. However, keep in mind that you will typically see a return on this investment in both long-term cost savings and in the added customers that will be attracted to your business because of the green element.

A few examples of green businesses include Beyond Meat, which creates meat alternatives for people that don’t want to miss a good barbecue, and American Water Works Company, a nationwide water and wastewater utility services provider that saves more than three billion gallons of water every year. Both of these companies have identified underserved markets, vegans, and commercial water consumers, respectively, and found solutions that help their companies gain attention without putting unnecessary strain on their available resources.

Do Your Research

When you’re first getting started, research is essential. First, evaluate your idea to ensure that it’s truly sustainable. Then, make sure that you can avoid environmentally taxing products, such as Styrofoam and polystyrene. If you have to ship products, you can’t avoid fossil fuel energy
consumption, but you might be able to counter its negative effects by utilizing recycled or plant-based packing materials.

Understand Your Market

Part of your research is also understanding your target customer. People who prioritize environmental friendliness have many traits in common. They are typically educated and highly aware of how human activities can affect the environment. Environmentally-conscientious consumers also prioritize honesty – all consumers want an honest company, but those concerned with the environment typically have higher ethical standards. Green consumers are “doers” who have had experience with nature and have a shared love of the world in which we all live. Because of this, you may have to get creative when it’s time to enact a marketing plan.

How Marketing To A Green Consumer Is Different

When you’re trying to market a green business, you can’t always follow the same old strategies as other businesses. While social media is certainly an option, there are a few more complicated twists and turns when you are trying to market a business that caters to mother Earth. It’s beneficial to find ways to help visualize your go to market strategy, especially when you’re launching a brand-new product. Use a template and program that helps you keep your important documents – business plan, marketing strategy, product information – in one place for ease of access. This will not only keep you more organized but will ensure a streamlined process.

Outside of the digital realm, you can still use physical products to showcase your dedication to mother Earth. Start with your business cards. You can use an online template to create a design that will help you bring your vision to life with text, images, and a color palette that truly showcases what your business is about. While most paper business cards are recyclable, consider putting your design on something more useful that will help your customers remember you. Engraved wood or even business card-sized seed packets are innovative, creative, and memorable.

Start-Up Suggestions

No matter what type of business you plan to operate, there are a few things that you can do to set yourself up for success right from the beginning. One is to look at your business structure. For many businesses, an LLC is ideal. Next, think about how you will hire new people. The most sustainable business models are those that operate on a remote platform. This reduces your reliance on fossil fuels, and you won’t have to worry about consuming energy in a brick-and-mortar location.

You also need to keep your pricing strategy at the forefront of your operations right from the beginning. While most people fully expect to pay a bit more for green products, perform a competitive market analysis to ensure that your product’s quality and availability meet or exceed that of other products on the market. You can charge more, but you still have to weigh affordability against utility and decide if you want to sell more for less or less for more.

Going green is more than just an alliterative catchphrase meant to attract the attention of millennials. Environmentally sound business practices will help you keep the earth in top shape for your children and beyond. As excited as you may be, don’t rush into the process. The last thing you want is to establish forward momentum only to be stopped by the realization that your green business can’t maintain pace. Take the time to get to know the market, and look for ways to keep your customers happy with both your products and the way you run your business. The above tips can help get you started, and your commitment to the environment will keep you going.

Trust Jennifer Warriner to handle your business’s web design and social media marketing needs!


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