
Why a Mobile-Friendly Website Is More Important Than Ever

It is hard to argue with the fact that every business needs a well-designed website if it wants to make an impact. A website with up-to-date content is a necessity in a search engine-driven marketplace. However, the way that consumers access the internet is changing. It is no longer enough to have a basic website designed to display on desktops computers. Now it is time to think about creating a mobile-friendly site.

Prevalence of Smartphones

Smartphones are everywhere. If you go to your favorite coffee shop, you will see customers enjoying their beverages in one hand while checking their phones with the other. People of all ages are using these devices as their personal internet tools. This growth means that so many users will be accessing your site on a smaller screen than the desktop for which it was designed. Reports show that three quarters of people primarily use their smartphone to access the internet. When a site is not mobile-friendly, it can make information difficult to find and make ordering a hassle for the consumer. If it is too difficult to navigate your site, online clients will look for another site that makes things simpler.

Increased Traffic

When your website is easy to access through multiple screens, it will increase the number of people who see your information. This is especially important if you are doing any kind of e-commerce. The more people who see you, the more likely they are to make a purchase or interact with your online presence. A mobile-friendly site also makes it more likely that clients will recommend your site on social media. They can share your website postings and special offers. With some encouragement, your loyal clients can become an informal marketing team.

Mobile Users Spend More

Smartphone users have the internet at their fingertips. This means that they can make purchases on the go rather than only when they are sitting in front of their home computers. They can do their research faster and are more likely to make a quick shopping decision. When they use their phone for online shopping, they will also spend more. If your website makes it easy for online shoppers to see great products or access special offers, you are more likely to see sustained consumer activity. In addition, if your clients have a positive experience, they are much more likely to bookmark your site and seek it the next time they are shopping.

Connect With Younger Users

Although older generations are getting on board with smartphone technology, younger people have been using these products for much of their lives. It is second nature for them to pull out their phones when they have a few moments of downtime. If you are trying to expand your outreach to new generations, a mobile-friendly website is a smart move. It is important to remember that young people are used to interacting with websites. Even if you are not an e-commerce business, you want to find ways to keep young people engaged with your site. Consider linking your website to social media accounts or maintaining a blog about your business. These kinds of features will keep your site relevant and higher on search engine results.

Faster Loading Speed

On the technical side of things, mobile-friendly websites are designed to load faster than those designed for desktops. When people are at their computers, they often have access to a high-speed internet signal. You can have lots of information, pictures, videos and features that will load quickly. A mobile-friendly designer recognizes that users on smartphones may not always have as much data-streaming power available. They will appreciate the streamlined design of a mobile-friendly site. Those who are working with a limited data plan may avoid your site if it takes too much data to load it on the go.

Increase Your Competitive Edge

Businesses are always looking for a way to get ahead of the competition. They also want to spend their marketing budgets wisely. Investing in a mobile-friendly design for your website does both. Many business owners think that they have done all the technical work they need to do once a website is in place. However, technology changes quickly. The site that was cutting edge last year looks dated this year. Upgrading to a mobile-friendly website will keep you at the forefront of your market space. If you are the first business among your competition to deploy this kind of site, you will have a significant advantage.

The way the world accesses information continues to change. However, smartphone technology seems like it will be the primary form of data access for the next few years. As more and more consumers use these devices, it is important for you to stay relevant. A mobile-friendly website will keep your business accessible in a smartphone-centered world.

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